AMV Youth Corner

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."- Martin Luther King
Committee members: Ms. Rabina Khan, Ms. Reshma Yunus and Ms. Nosheen Khan
We believe that our youth and young adults are our future. They are the leaders of tomorrow. We would like all of you to invest in their future. We believe whole heartedly that this is the best investment we can make. If we fail to provide our support, leadership training and the torch of knowledge and experience to them, we would have failed miserably.
Muslim Students Associations (MSAs) have played an important role on campuses to educate others about Islam but we believe that time has come when they could up the bar and play a key role in election 2004 and beyond. This is an open call to all Muslim student association presidents to call American Muslim Voice and get involve actively in election 2004. They can do voter registration drives, volunteer in campaigns and become Representatives of Muslims and Arabs. There are tremendous benefits from this involvement. You will learn invaluable knowledge of how a successful campaign is organized. You will also provide the opportunity to fellow Americans to get to know Muslims and Arabs first hand. This is a very much needed interaction to change the image of Islam and Muslims.
Urgent message to Muslims: educate, get involve, and mobilize